About Us
FIMA Save Vision is a flagship project of the Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA), a non-profit, voluntary, non-governmental, community-based organization.
FIMA is an international coalition of 25 National Islamic Medical Associations dedicated to combating disease and alleviating suffering in their respective countries. Operating on a global scale, FIMA leads, aggregates, and coordinates the efforts of its member organizations.
With consultative status at ECOSOC of the United Nations, FIMA Save Vision has also formalized a Project Collaboration Agreement with WHO-EMRO for a period of five years.
Our mission is to bring the light of vision to those living in the darkness of blindness, particularly in economically disadvantaged and underserved areas such as Nigeria, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and many other developing countries. Financial hardship and lack of access to quality eye care are major barriers for these communities. FIMA Save Vision addresses these challenges by offering free vision care services, supervised by highly qualified and globally recognized volunteer doctors and staff.
Through our efforts, we provide:
- Free vision screenings for all ages.
- Accessible eye care for those who cannot otherwise afford it.
- Training programs to empower communities in vision care.
- Education and awareness about preventable blindness.
FIMA Save Vision is dedicated to eliminating preventable blindness worldwide by delivering sustainable healthcare solutions and capacity-building initiatives, all guided by Islamic medical ethics.